This below guide is going to helo you to do preparation for NTS-NAT test. If you are also willing to appear in the exam, you should read this article. It will be helpful for you in making sure the praparation of NTS-NAT test properly.
Major Types of NTS-NAT Test
There are two major types of NTS-NAT tests. These are;
1. NAT-I
This type of test is for those students who have completed 12 years of education.
This type of test is for those students who have completed 14 years of education.
Parts of NTS-NAT Test
There are basically four types of NTS-NAT Test that is;
- Verbal (English) Portion
- Quantitative Portion
- Analytical Portion
- Subject Portion
How to do Preparation for Verbal (English) Portion _ NTS-NAT Test
The verbal (English) portion of the NTS-NAT test is based on the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. This portion of the test covers the following topics;
- The use of noun, verb, adverb, preposition, and conjunction.
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Pairs of words
- Tense related questions
- paragraph based questions
Guide to do Preparation
To make sure to do the proper preparation for this portion, you need to learn the above topics properly. You should learn and practice the use of nouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunction in a sentence. Also, the use of pair of words and to use synonyms and antonyms are also important to practice well.
How to do Preparation for Quantitative Portion _ NTS-NAT Test
The quantitative portion covers the topics of maths that are based on quantities. The topics are included in this portion are;
- simple alaebra
- Prcentages
- Ration and Proportions
- Simple geometry
- Easy Arithmetics
Guide to do Preparation
Arithmetic Questions:
You should do preparation for the artimetics question very properly. Because the question that includes in the exam are mostly simple but tricky.
For the geometry topic, you need to cover alll the basic questions that are related to the simple measurement of areas or shapes etc. it is reccommended to lean the phythagorus theorem very well.
Percentages and Ration & Proportion:
Learn simple basis of questions related to percetages as well as ratio and proprtions.
How to do Preparation for Analytical Portion _ NTS-NAT Test
This portion of NTS-NAT Test is aimed to assess your mind by the rules and anaytics. You will be given some rules or facts by applying them you will have to answer the questions.
Guide to do Preaparation
It is reccomended you to kee your mind active at the time of attempting thi sportion. becasue this portion is based on the rules that you should follow to answer the questions. Frthermore, you can practice by solving the analytical MCQ’s.
How to do Preparation for Subject Portion _ NTS-NAT Test
This portion will cover the toics of your selected subjects.
Also read:
Guide to do Preaparation
Here are the some guide tips for you;
- Study each of the topics of your books to clear your concept.
- It is suggested to focus on the special terms, definitions, dates, questions, studies, researches or other things like these.
- As well as your subject books, you should also read mcq’s from other books.
- Take a revision of the subject books many times.