The IP connectionless Protocol Relies on what other Protocol to Guarantee the Delivery of Data?

For delivery IP connectionless protocol depends upon TCP . For the connection to the other devices  the systems are usually synced with protocols. so  TCP allows the exchange of messages between application programs and computer devices.
This blog helps you find the most suitable IP protocol if it is connectionless.

Connectionless vs connection-oriented protocols

Connectionless delivery protocols are the ones that do not ensure the delivery of data. However it  means that the communication is asynchronous means unreliable. In contrast, Connection-oriented protocols ensure data delivery and are reliable.

What is TCP/IP?

TCP stands for transmission control protocol. IP  for internet protocol. Both of them are used as standard communication media for the two systems in networking.

How does TCP work?

TCP divides the data into smaller segments/packets. Each segment comprises a  data collection section and a header.  So, the header has usually 10 compulsory fields with one optional field. However,  it has the payload data or application data.

Origination of TCP

It was originated by DARPA in the 1970s in the USA. Although it started as one of many ordinary protocols but after getting attached to the ARPAnet it  become a standard protocol. Lately, it has been a global standard network protocol.

Importance of TCP

It is very important as it sets the codes of conduct for data transmission globally. TCP ensures that the data communication could be done at any place and at any time.TCP has high flexibility factor . In other words it is free to use globally and specifically no company holds its license.

Other internet protocols

There are some other protocols that can be used by the systems. They include:

  • HTTP

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. So,  is used by browsers and websites.

  • FTP

FTP stands for Files Transfer Protocol. Because it ensures the transfer of files from one system to another.

  • SMTP

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. so it is  used for email transmission.


For the  data delivery IP has the TCP protocol.  Above all TCP is one of the most suitable data transfer media. TCP is a global standard for data transmission and can be used widely. It has no restrictions on time, space or software.  So, you must opt for TCP for secured data transmission.